"it was when i stopped searching for home within others
and lifted the foundations of home within myself
i found there were no roots more intimate
than those between a mind and body
that have decided to be whole"
Rupi kaur
Workshops give that extra time and space to nail down specific parts of the Yoga practice. See both past and current workshop availability for Dee McQueen Yoga here.
Saturday 5th October
@ Out of the Blue Drill Hall, Leith
These workshops are proving to be incredibly popular, we are so happy to see the Edinburgh Rocket community growing so fast!
Join myself and Benji Pérez Salinas for a fun and dynamic 2 hour 15 minute Rocket Flow, where together we’ll build the confidence and stability to get on your hands and go upside down, and all the transitions in between!
The Rocket sequences are a series of postures based on a modification of the Ashtanga primary and intermediate series. This uplifting routine is designed to wake up the nervous system and help you to find a spirit of change and freedom in the practice. We will warm up through the Sun Salutations, play with the Standing and Seated postures, and guide you into a restorative Closing.
In this workshop we work on linking breath with movement, and build on dynamic and strengthening postures. You will get the opportunity to try it all - think arm balances, inversions and backbends - all under the watchful eyes of not one but two teachers who adore this style of movement.
Expect some glorious hands on assists to help you find a deeper sense of steadiness and comfort in the postures.
All-levels are welcome. The only requirement is to embrace the challenge and have fun on the mat - so get ready to laugh, sweat and fly!
Stay after for a community group lunch too (venue TBC).
Arm Balancing
Wednesday 13th November
@ Custom House, Leith
Back by popular demand the Winter Wednesday Workshops are here for something fun to do mid-week as the nights get shorter!
Join me for a 90 minute all levels workshop learning drills to help you find confidence and strength to balance on your hands.
This workshop is suitable for any one with an interest in learning arm balancing. There will be foundational options for those just beginning their arm balance journey, as well as some more challenging postures and transitions for those who already practice.
We will play with arm balances such as Bakasana/Kakasana (Crow and it's variations), Bala Parsva Bhuja Dandasana (Baby Grasshopper) & Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Pressing Pose)
Standing Postures
Saturday 23rd November
10:00am - 12:00pm
Custom House, Leith
A 2 hour workshop to practice the simple and foundational hands on adjustments you will regularly use in a Vinyasa style class.
In this workshop we will focus on the standing postures and a second workshop on the 8th February will be on the seated postures (including backbends).
This is a great session for newer teachers or for teachers who want a refresh and a space to practice.
We will work on very simple adjustments you can use for postures such as Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog), Virabhadrasana A & B (Warrior 1 & 2), Trikonasana (Triangle), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle) & Various Twisted Standing Postures. ​
If you can make both clinics there is a discounted rate option on the main momence booking page so make sure to book that rather than the 2 individual clinics.
Wednesday 22nd January
Custom House, Leith
The second in the Winter Wednesday Workshop series!
A glorious 90 minute interactive workshop helping you to safely move into a backbending journey.
We will work on drills to build strength and create space in the thoracic spine, chest and shoulders. These drills will be easy to implement into your own weekly practice and I will show you how to move towards progression and use props to support the journey.
We will work on foundational postures such as Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Dog) & Shalabhasana (Locust), and move into bigger front body openers such as Ustrasana (Camel), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel) and Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon).
Seated Postures & Savasana
Saturday 8th February
10:00am - 12:00pm
Custom House, Leith
A 2 hour workshop to practice the simple and foundational hands on adjustments you will regularly use in a Vinyasa style class.
In this workshop will focus on the standing postures and a second workshop on the 8th February will be on the seated postures (including backbends) & Savasana.
This is a great session for newer teachers or for teachers who want a refresh and a space to practice.
We will work on very simple adjustments for postures such as Bhujangasana (Baby Cobra) & Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Dog), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold) and it's variations, Ardha & Supta Matsyendrasana (Seated & Supine Twists), Balasana (Child's Pose) and Savasana (Corpse Pose)
If you can make both clinics there is a discounted rate option on the main momence booking page so make sure to book that rather than the 2 individual clinics.
Wednesday 5th March
Custom House, Leith
The final installment in the Winter Wednesday Workshop series!
A glorious 90 minute interactive workshop helping you to safely discover the joy of going upside down. We will work on drills to build strength and confidence. These drills will easily be able to implement into your own weekly practice and I will show you how to move towards progression and use props to support the journey.
This will be accessible to all levels - from yogis just beginning their journey, to those who feel ready to fly!
We will work towards Sirsasana (Headstand) and it's variations, Pincha Mayurasana (Forearmstand) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand).